Friday, May 6, 2011

Teaching with Passion from the Heart

I finished my degree and so now for three years, I can enact the title Dr.

Yet, where I work, I don't persuade the students to call me Dr.

I am " My Name" and I am their instructor.

Some of my professional societies don't understand what I do.

Don't get me wrong...

I still believe in the necessity of research, but yet that's not what I have time to do.

A paper rejected on the basis of "experience" over literature.

It's about teaching, not about applying theory.

I teach at a community college. I teach in-person. I teach online.

I teach with passion and from the heart.

I look to fellow instructors, not all sociologists, for advice and support.

Our students are smart. Our students are strong. Our students have lived through what most of us only read about.

Our students are young and old.

Our students can identify with any status you can think of.

I teach. I mentor. I advise.

It's the end of the semester.

I have four classes to grade, while my colleagues have five or more.

I have to go with my instinct of what is right and it's not always right.

I teach towards a goal of inclusion and changing lives.

I understand learner outcomes and different pedagogical techniques.

I employ my knowledge of teaching.

But teaching comes from the heart.

Teaching is knowing your students and understanding their plight.

It's finals, but the crisis are real my students face.

Teaching is about passion and the students.

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