Monday, May 9, 2011

Being from the Midwest

I hail from a state smack dab in the middle of the US. I moved to the state next door for college and then a bit further North, but at least a metro area.
So, I went to our credit union on Friday to pay on our loan. I was asked by the teller why we don't have our other accounts with this place. I said because we got our accounts when we moved here, X bank is bigger and more convenient when traveling back home for ATMs. She asks what state. I tell her. The she asks what city. I tell her. Then she tells me she's from X town in X state. I look at her with my okay, what do you want me to say look as I have no idea in hell where this tiny town is.
Well, she explains and it's nearer where my in-laws live in the boonies of the state I grew up in, but closer to the town my partner grew up in.
But how the hell would I know where X town is. Sometimes I think people from the Midwest and the same state think we are going to know where everything yes. Granted, I know where some towns are from my dad's service work across the state, but good gosh I'm not that expert on the state of X.
Do others get this? Am I attributing this to a Midwestern thing, but it might happen all over? Was she lonely and looking for connections?
Yes, random, but it turned into a 10 minute conversation.... Oh, how the small things in life perplex me or they keep my mind of the shitty things happening in the world.

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