Monday, April 18, 2011

The problem with thinking to much

I have so many ideas to blog about, but when it comes to sitting down and writing , I freeze. I can guess why. It may have to deal with a horrendous experience in a high school English class. It may have to deal with eight years of graduate school and field of academia which leads to constant "constructive criticism" of one's work. Yet, I have to remember from some positive experiences in college, particularly in English courses, that there are different types of writing and that just writing is helpful for finished pieces. And my gosh, this is a blog! I'm sure many face these issues of writing and I know my students do. I tell them just to sit down and finish their work. So, I must take some of my own advice knowing that expressing my thoughts, no matter what they are about, is good not only for my mind, but also for attempting more polished pieces of writing .

But I did not intend for this post to be about writing. It's just what came to mind when I started to type as I start another week. A week of interviewing for MSW internships and the final weeks of teaching this semester.

But I did have one thought this weekend I mulled over. I thought how I want time just to reflect. Yet, I thought I am one of those people who thinks too much at times, causing at times anxiety and many ideas that I think are brilliant (as in actually doing things), but never seem to enact them. And then I also thought about how I haven't engaged in anything artistic or creative to say in ages. No, free time is spent cleaning the house, which is an uphill battle with two children.

Is this because I still have the mindset that I should be working all the time, stemming from having worked two jobs and still trying to be an academic? Is it because of the "failures" I've faced, I am afraid to do a project? Whatever it is , I need to stop and let my mind and body engage in the creative.

Thus, I had many brilliant ideas this weekend that will be addressed in another post, but let's settle on a few things that are both pragmatic and fuel the creative spirit. I want to make a screen for the front porch (the one now is torn to shreds). I want to make my front porch an aesthetically pleasing place to be (i.e. plants and the so forth). I also want to make curtains for my office. There. Three things I hope to accomplish.

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