Saturday, March 1, 2014

What, I made a gramatical error yesterday?

Ms. Knowledge apologize not only for her grammatical errors in her previous post (way to go professor!), but also her post describing her depressed mood. And why is Ms. Knowledge talking in Elmo speak (i.e. third person)? (Editorial Note... this was started yesterday, but finished today

Today is a new day, but another learning lesson in being in a TT job. Today I received the scores my first annual review and the summary of my peer teaching evaluation that happened yesterday (wow, my colleague works fast). I discuss the results of the annual review with my chair on Monday. I don't know what to think, though I do have concerns. Like any evaluation, I think there are things we can agree with that we already knew, but there are things that remain mysteries (such as how student evaluations of teaching are rated, especially when you are prepping all new classes and just moved cross county) and well the fear of publishing is now escalated (well, I guess it always is, isn't it?).  I've said this here before, but as a friend from graduate school once said, we have to be perfect at everything.  And I full well knew this before accepting my TT job, but it seems so different when the  you are actually on the tenure clock.

So this leads me to a few topics and questions that may or may not be discussed as I write this while trying to prepare dinner (mulch-tasking), a day spent trying to figure out per-aprroval for a mortgage to buy a house here, a faculty meeting, and well getting the results back from what I mentioned above. I am tired. I am burnt, but yet I have this odd sense of energy as the week ends and I reflect.

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